The soothing touch of Balinese therapists takes a journey into the world of the Orient, bringing relaxation for body and soul
and corporate beauty treatments and rituals give the skin a velvety smoothness and silkiness
Proceed to websiteUnique dishes, elegant interiors with fireplace and murmur of water and the century-old park provide memorable moments
in the restaurant Magnifica
§ 2
The Hotel does not bear responsibility for the destruction or loss of Guest’s car or other vehicle, caused by the Guest or a third party within the area of the hotel car park. The Hotel, in particular, does not bear responsibility for the items left inside the car; theft of the car from a parking space; damage caused by natural disasters or fortuitous event; crashes and collisions; damage caused by third parties. All damage, including motor damage inflicted within the area of the hotel car park, are settled under the compulsory third-party liability insurance of the perpetrator of the damage.
Regulamin konkursu zamieszczania opinii o pobycie w Hotelu Farmona Business & SPA
Organizatorem konkursu jest Laboratorium Kosmetyków Naturalnych FARMONA Sp. z o.o., z siedzibą pod adresem: ul. Jugowicka 10C, 30-443 Kraków, nr NIP: 6772197862, Regon: 356563730, KRS:0000129408, właściciel hotelu: Farmona Hotel Business & SPA, z siedzibą pod adresem: ul. Jugowicka10C, 30-443 Kraków zwanym dalej Hotelem
§ 1
Warunki uczestnictwa
1. Warunkiem uczestnictwa w „Konkursie zamieszczania opinii o pobycie w Hotelu Farmona
Business & SPA” zwanego dalej „konkursem” jest:
a) pobyt minimum przez 1 dobę w Hotelu (także przed ogłoszeniem Konkursu);
b) zamieszczenie opinii o pobycie w Hotelu na Profilu Hotelu w portalu
znajdującego się pod adresem
c) akceptacja zasad w tym regulaminu znajdującym się na
2. Uczestnikiem Konkursu, zwanym dalej Uczestnikiem, może być każda pełnoletnia osoba
fizyczna, posiadająca pełną zdolność do czynności prawnych, która ponadto spełnia warunki
określone w niniejszym regulaminie.
3. Zamieszczając opinię Uczestnik podlega zasadom posiadania konta obowiązującym na portalu
4. Oparcie opinii o rzeczywiste doświadczenia uczestnika związane z pobytem w Hotelu.
5. W Konkursie nie mogą brać udziału osoby zatrudnione przez Organizatora lub świadczące na
jego rzecz usługi w ramach umów cywilnoprawnych oraz ich małżonkowie, zstępni, wstępni,
rodzeństwo i powinowaci. Ponadto z konkursu wyłączeni są agencje public relations oraz
agencje marketingowe dostawcy towarów i usług dla Laboratorium Kosmetyków Naturalnych
FARMONA Sp. z o.o.
§ 2
Zasady konkursu
1. Konkurs trwa od pierwszego do ostatniego dnia każdego miesiąca.
2. Hotel może zakończyć konkurs z końcem dowolnego miesiąca. Za miesiąc ten zostaną przyznane
nagrody zgodnie z zasadami konkursu.
3. Spośród umieszczonych w danym miesiącu opinii, do 15 dnia następnego miesiąca, Komisja
Konkursową wybierze zwycięzców.
4. Komisję Konkursową powołuje Organizator. Komisja składa się z trzech osób wskazanych przez
Organizatora. Decyzja Komisji jest ostateczna.
§ 3
1. Nagrodą główną jest jeden trzydniowy pobyt (dwa noclegi) w Hotelu, w pokoju dwuosobowym dla jednej lub dwóch osób. Usługa zawiera śniadanie w formie bufetu.
2. Pozostali Uczestnicy spełniający warunki Konkursu otrzymują nagrody pocieszenia.
3. Nagrodą pocieszenia jest wybrany przez Hotel zestaw kosmetyków o wartości brutto powyżej 40 zł.
4. Nagrody nie podlegają wymianie na inne towary, usługi lub gotówkę.
5. Do odbioru i realizacji nagrody uprawniony jest wyłącznie uczestnik konkursu.
§ 4
Odbiór nagród
1. Hotel jednorazowo wyśle do Uczestników konkursu prośbę o podanie kontaktowego adresu email.
2. Informacja ta zostanie przesłana w ciągu 10 dni od rozstrzygnięcia konkursu poprzez wewnętrzny system wiadomości Portalu Trip Advisor.
3. Odpowiedzi należy udzielić w ciągu 30 dni od otrzymania wiadomości z zapytaniem o adres email.
4. Na wskazany adres email hotel jednorazowo wyśle informacje o przyznanej nagrodzie głównej lub nagrodzie pocieszenia. Warunkiem otrzymania nagrody głównej lub nagrody pocieszenia jest odpowiedź na przesłaną wiadomość email, która zawiera łącznie:
• Imię i nazwisko autora opinii
• Adres korespondencyjny
• Numer telefonu
5. Przesłanie odpowiedzi jest równoznaczne ze zgodą na przyjęcie nagrody oraz akceptacjąniniejszego regulaminu, a także wyrażeniem zgód, o których mowa w § 6 ust. 4 niniejszego regulaminu.
6. W przypadku przyznania nagrody głównej, hotel prześle voucher elektroniczny, który upoważniado jej realizacji.
7. Nagrody pocieszenia będą wysyłane dwa razy w miesiącu na wskazany adres korespondencyjny,
przesyłką pocztową, bez wcześniejszego powiadomienia.
8. Bak odpowiedzi lub przesłanie niekompletnych danych oznacza rezygnację z udziału w konkursie i przyjęcia nagrody przez Uczestnika Konkursu.
9. Hotel opublikuje imię i nazwisko zwycięzcy nagrody głównej na stronie internetowej
§ 5
Realizacja nagrody głównej
1. Czas na realizację nagrody wynosi jeden rok liczony od dnia otrzymania nagrody.
2. Z realizacji nagrody wyłączone są poniższe okresy:
27.04 – 07.05.2018
3. Warunkami realizacji nagrody jest wcześniejsza rezerwacja usług hotelu oraz podanie unikalnego numeru vouchera przesłanego przez Hotel.
4. Hotel zastrzega sobie prawo do odmowy przyjęcia rezerwacji jeżeli ilość dostępnych pokoi jest mniejsza niż 30% bazy noclegowej. Wówczas Hotel dołoży wszelkich starań, aby ustalić z Uczestnikiem inny termin realizacji nagrody.
5. Rezerwacji można dokonać w następujący sposób:
Telefonicznie pod numerem: +48 12 252 70 70
Mailowo pod adresem: [email protected]
Osobiście w recepcji Hotelu
6. Hotel oferuje pozostałe usługi zgodnie z ofertą cenową i dostępnością obowiązującymi w dniu zapytania.
§ 6
Zapisy ogólne
1. Niniejszy regulamin obowiązuje od dnia 28 kwietnia 2017 roku do odwołania.
2. Hotel zastrzega sobie prawo do zmiany regulaminu bez wcześniejszego powiadomienia.
3. Administratorem danych osobowych udostępnianych przez Uczestników konkursu będzie Organizator. Dane osobowe Uczestników konkursu będą przetwarzane w celu prawidłowego przeprowadzenia konkursu oraz w celach marketingowych. Podanie danych ma charakter dobrowolny. Osobom udostępniającym dane przysługuje prawo wglądu do swoich danych oraz
możliwości ich poprawiania.
4. Każdy uczestnik konkursu wyraża łącznie:
a) zgodę na przetwarzanie danych osobowych dla potrzeb konkursu oraz potrzeb marketingowych związanych z działalnością Laboratorium Kosmetyków Naturalnych Farmona Sp. z. o.o w rozumieniu ustawy z dnia 29.08.1997 o ochronie danych osobowych,
Dz.U. z 2016 r poz. 922 j.t.”
b) zgodę na przesyłanie drogą elektroniczną informacji handlowych na podany w korespondencji adres e-mail. Zgodnie z art. 10 ust.2 ustawy z dnia 18.07.2002r. o świadczeniu usług drogą elektroniczną Dz.U.z 2002r. nr 144, poz. 1204 z późniejszymi
5. Każdy Uczestnik konkursu wyraża zgodę na publikowanie sporządzonej przez niego opinii na stronach internetowych Organizatora, a także we wszelkich publikacjach wydawanych przez Organizatora, a ponadto w przypadku, gdy wyrażona o Hotelu opinia będzie miała charakter utworu wyraża zgodę na:
a) utrwalanie i zwielokrotnianie utworu za pomocą dowolnych technik drukarskich oraz wszelkich innych technik, w tym cyfrowych, poligraficznych;
b) zapisywanie w pamięci komputerów oraz rozpowszechnianie w sieciach komputerowych, w tym w szczególności za pośrednictwem Internetu, w sieciach telewizji analogowej i cyfrowej, satelitarnej oraz rozpowszechnianie w ramach usług typu Video on Demand;
c) utrwalanie i zwielokrotnianie utworu na dowolnych nośnikach elektronicznych,
magnetycznych, optycznych; i. zakresie obrotu oryginałem lub egzemplarzami - wprowadzanie do obrotu, z prawem
dokonywania zmian i modyfikacji utworu;
ii. wykorzystywanie utworów w ramach innych utworów;
iii. wykorzystywanie utworu do produkcji lub zlecenia produkcji materiałów reklamowo – promocyjnych;
iv. przeprowadzanie prezentacji publicznej, w tym w szczególności dla celów
marketingowych, promocyjnych, reklamowych, produkcyjnych, artystycznych oraz w celach charytatywnych;
v. korzystanie w reklamie we wszelkich mediach elektronicznych, prasie drukowanej,
elektronicznej, telewizji, kinie, przekazach marketingowych, przedstawienie Utworów w miejscu ogólnie dostępnym w całości lub w części w jakiejkolwiek zmaterializowanej postaci.
6. Organizator zastrzega sobie prawo do nieprzyznania nagrody w przypadku, gdy żadna z zamieszczonych opinii nie spełni oczekiwań Organizatora.
7. Zwycięzcy nagrody głównej są zobowiązani do zapłaty 10% podatku dochodowego od osób fizycznych od wygranej nagrody głównej, o ile spełnione zostaną przesłanki ustawowe do jego zapłaty. W takim wypadku wpłacenie należnego podatku na konto wskazane przez Organizatora jest warunkiem koniecznym do otrzymania nagrody głównej.
8. W przypadku nie odebrania nagrody, lub braku możliwości skontaktowania się ze zwycięzcą w ciągu 30 dni od przyznania nagrody, może ona zostać przeznaczona na wybrany przez Organizatora cel lub może w to miejsce zostać wybrany inny Uczestnik konkursu.
9. Konkurs, którego warunki zostały określone w niniejszym regulaminie nie jest grą losową, loterią fantową, zakładem wzajemnym ani loterią promocyjną, których wynik zależy od przypadku.
10. Wszelkie reklamacje mogą być wnoszone na adres e-mail Organizatora:
[email protected]
11. Reklamacje rozpoznaje Komisja Konkursowa, w terminie 14 dni od dnia otrzymania reklamacji. Decyzje Komisji Konkursowej są ostateczne. Uczestnicy konkursu składający reklamację, zostaną powiadomieni o sposobie jej rozstrzygnięcia w terminie 3 dni od daty jej rozpatrzenia.
Rules of the stay review contest
in Hotel Farmona Business & SPA
The contest is organised by Farmona Natural Cosmetics Laboratory ltd. with a registered office in: ul.
Jugowicka 10C, 30-443 Kraków, NIP [Tax Identification Number]: 6772197862, Regon number:
356563730, NCR: 0000129408, owner of the hotel: Farmona Hotel Business & SPA with a registered
office in: ul. Jugowicka 10C, 30-443 Kraków, hereinafter called the Hotel
§ 1
Conditions of participation
1. The conditions of participation in the Contest of submitting the reviews concerning the stay in Hotel Farmona Business & SPA, hereinafter called the contest, are as such:
a) min. 24 hour stay in the Hotel (also before the announcement of the Contest)
b) writing the review concerning the stay on the Hotel’s Profile on,
which could be found under the address
c) acceptance of the rules including the statute found on
2. Every individual over eighteen with a capacity to perform acts in law and meeting the terms specified in this statute may become the Participant of the Contest, hereinafter called the Participant.
3. When writing a review, the Participant is subject to the TripAdvisor rules of having an account.
4. The review has to be based on real experiences during the stay in the Hotel.
5. People employed by the Organiser or providing services for the Organiser as part of a civil law agreement, their spouses, descendants, ascendants, siblings and relatives cannot take part in the Contest. Moreover, the public relation agencies, marketing agencies, suppliers of goods and services for the Farmona Natural Cosmetics Laboratory ltd. are excluded from the Contest.
§ 2
Contest rules
1. The contest lasts from the first till the last day of the month.
2. The Hotel can end the contest with each passing month. The prizes for that month shall be awarded in accordance with the contest rules.
3. By the 15th of the next month, the Committee shall choose the winners from the reviews submitted in the month in question.
4. The Contest Committee is constituted by the Organiser. The Committee consists of three persons indicated by the Organiser. The decision of the Committee is final.
§ 3
1. The main prize is a three-day stay (two nights) in the Hotel, in a two-person room for one or two guests. Service includes a buffet breakfast.
2. Other Participants who meet the requirements of the Contest shall be awarded consolation prizes.
3. A consolation prize is a set of cosmetics chosen by the Hotel. The value of the set exceeds 40 PLN.
4. It is not possible to exchange the prizes for other goods, services or cash.
5. Only the Participant of the Contest is entitled to collect and realise a prize.
§ 4
The collection of prizes
1. The Participants of the Contest shall receive a one-time message from the Hotel, enquiring them for a contact email address.
2. The Message shall be send during the 10 days after the winners of the contest are determined, through an inner message system of the TripAdvisor portal
3. The answer has to be sent during the 30 days after the message about email address received
4. The hotel shall send a one time email including information about received prize: main or consolation. The condition to receive the main or consolation prize is answering the message, which includes inclusively:
a) Name and surname of the review’s author
b) Mailing address
c) Telephone no.
5. Sending an answer is equivalent to accepting the prize, these rules and giving the consents mentioned in § 6 paragraph 4 of this statute.
6. In case of winning the main prize, the Hotel will send an electronic voucher, which entitles the winner to realise the prize.
7. The consolation prizes shall be sent twice a month by post to the provided mailing address, without
a previous notice.
8. The lack of answer or sending an incomplete personal data means resignation of the participation in the contest and receiving the prize.
9. The Hotel will publish the full name of the main prize winner on the website
§ 5
The realisation of the main prize
1. The main prize may be realised during one year from the date the prize was received.
2. The prize cannot be realised during following periods:
3. To realise the prize the participant must first book a hotel service and provide the uniquenumber of the voucher sent by the Hotel.
4. The Hotel reserves the right to decline the reservation if the number of available rooms issmaller than 30% of sleeping accommodations. Then, the Hotel shall do everything in its power to arrange a different date, upon which the prize may be realised.
5. The reservation may be made:
6. By telephone: +48 12 252 70 70
7. By E-mail: [email protected]
8. Personally in Hotel reception
9. The Hotel offers other services according to the price offer and availability on the day inquestion.
§ 6
General provisions
1. These rules are valid from 28th April 2017 until revoked.
2. The Hotel reserves the right to change the rules without a previous notice.
3. The Organiser is the administrator of the personal data submitted by the Participants of the Contest. The Participants’ personal data shall be processed for the purpose of correct conduct of the Contest and marketing. Submitting one’s personal data is voluntary. The people who submitted their personal data are eligible to review and edit them.
4. Every Participant gives the joint assent to:
a. his personal data being processed for marketing purposes connected to the operation of Farmona Natural Cosmetics Laboratory ltd. within the meaning of the Personal Data Protection Act of 29.08.1997, Journal of Laws of 2016 item 922 consolidated text b. sending commercial messages to the e-mail address provided in correspondence by electronic means. In accordance with the art. 10, section 2 of the Act on Rendering Electronic Services from 18.07.2002 Journal of Laws of 2002 no. 144 item 1204 as amended.
5. Every Participant gives his consent to publication of his review on the Organiser’s website and all publications issued by the Organiser. Moreover, if the review of the Hotel is a work of art, the Participant gives his consent to:
a. recording and reproduction of the work with any techniques, printing or else, including digital techniques;
b. saving the work in a computer memory, distributing it in computer networks, specifically including the Internet, cable, digital or satellite television stations and distributing it as a part of Video on Demand services.
c. recording and reproduction of the work on any electronic, magnetic or optic mediums; i. scope of the turnover of the original or counterparts – distribution with a right to supplement changes and modifications to the work;
ii. using the work as part of other works;
iii. using the work to produce or commission ad and promotional materials;
iv. running a public presentation, specifically including marketing, promotional, advertising, productional, artistic or charitable purposes;
v. using the work for advertisements in all electronic media, printed and electronic press, television, cinema, marketing impact; depiction of the works in a publicly available place as a whole or in parts, in any material form.
6. The Organiser reserves the right to refrain from awarding a prize if no review reaching the expectations can be found.
7. Main prize winners are obliged to pay a 10% personal income tax on winning a main prize, if the statutory pre-conditions are met. In that case, transferring the due tax to the account provided by the Organiser is a necessary condition to receive the main prize.
8. If the prize is not claimed or the Organiser cannot contact the winner during the 30 days after the prize is awarded, the prize will be distributed for a purpose chosen by the Organiser or awarded to a different Participant.
9. The Contest, whose rules are determined in this statue, is not a game of choice, raffle, pari-mutuel betting or a sweepstakes prize and its outcome is not accidental.
10. All complaints may be filed on the Organiser’s e-mail: [email protected]
11. The Contest Committee will consider the complaints in the period of 14 days from the delivery date. Decisions of the Contest Committee are final. The Participants who file a complaint will be informed about the results of the processing during the 3 days after it is processed.
§ 2
Contest rules
1. The contest lasts from the first till the last day of the month.
2. The Hotel can end the contest with each passing month. The prizes for that month shall be awarded in accordance with the contest rules.
3. By the 15th of the next month, the Committee shall choose the winners from the reviews submitted in the month in question.
4. The Contest Committee is constituted by the Organiser. The Committee consists of three persons indicated by the Organiser. The decision of the Committee is final.
§ 3
1. The main prize is a three-day stay (two nights) in the Hotel, in a two-person room for one or two guests. Service includes a buffet breakfast.
2. Other Participants who meet the requirements of the Contest shall be awarded consolation prizes.
3. A consolation prize is a set of cosmetics chosen by the Hotel. The value of the set exceeds 40 PLN.
4. It is not possible to exchange the prizes for other goods, services or cash.
5. Only the Participant of the Contest is entitled to collect and realise a prize.
§ 4
The collection of prizes
1. The Participants of the Contest shall receive a one-time message from the Hotel, informing them of a received main or consolation prize.
2. The Message shall be send during the 10 days after the winners of the contest are determined, through an inner message system of the TripAdvisor portal.
3. The condition to receive the main or consolation prize is answering the message, which includes inclusively:
• Name and surname of the review’s author
• Mailing address
• E-mail address
4. The answer has to be sent during the 30 days after the information about the won prize is received.
5. Sending an answer is equivalent to accepting the prize, these rules and giving the consents mentioned in § 6 paragraph 4 of this statute.
6. In case of winning the main prize, the Hotel will send an electronic voucher, which entitles the winner to realise the prize.
7. The consolation prizes shall be sent twice a month by post to the provided mailing address, without a previous notice.
8. The lack of answer or sending an incomplete personal data means resignation of the participation in the contest and receiving the prize.
9. The Hotel will publish the full name of the main prize winner on the website
§ 5
The realisation of the main prize
1. The main prize may be realised during one year from the date the prize was received.
2. The prize cannot be realised during following periods:
3. To realise the prize the participant must first book a hotel service and provide the unique number of the voucher sent by the Hotel.
4. The Hotel reserves the right to decline the reservation if the number of available rooms is smaller than 30% of sleeping accommodations. Then, the Hotel shall do everything in its power to arrange a different date, upon which the prize may be realised.
5. The reservation may be made:
By telephone: +48 12 252 70 70
By E-mail: [email protected]
Personally in Hotel reception
6. The Hotel offers other services according to the price offer and availability on the day in question.
§ 6
General provisions
1. These rules are valid from 28th April 2017 until revoked.
2. The Hotel reserves the right to change the rules without a previous notice.
3. The Organiser is the administrator of the personal data submitted by the Participants of the Contest. The Participants’ personal data shall be processed for the purpose of correct conduct of the Contest and marketing. Submitting one’s personal data is voluntary. The people who submitted their personal data are eligible to review and edit them.
4. Every Participant gives the joint assent to:
c) his personal data being processed for marketing purposes connected to the operation of Farmona Natural Cosmetics Laboratory ltd. within the meaning of the Personal Data Protection Act of 29.08.1997, Journal of Laws of 2016 item 922 consolidated text
d) sending commercial messages to the e-mail address provided in correspondence by electronic means. In accordance with the art. 10, section 2 of the Act on Rendering Electronic Services from 18.07.2002 Journal of Laws of 2002 no. 144 item 1204 as amended.
5. Every Participant gives his consent to publication of his review on the Organiser’s website and all publications issued by the Organiser. Moreover, if the review of the Hotel is a work of art, the Participant gives his consent to:
d) recording and reproduction of the work with any techniques, printing or else, including digital techniques;
e) saving the work in a computer memory, distributing it in computer networks, specifically including the Internet, cable, digital or satellite television stations and distributing it as a part of Video on Demand services.
f) recording and reproduction of the work on any electronic, magnetic or optic mediums;
vi. scope of the turnover of the original or counterparts – distribution with a right to supplement changes and modifications to the work;
vii. using the work as part of other works;
viii. using the work to produce or commission ad and promotional materials;
ix. running a public presentation, specifically including marketing, promotional, advertising, productional, artistic or charitable purposes;
x. using the work for advertisements in all electronic media, printed and electronic press, television, cinema, marketing impact; depiction of the works in a publicly available place as a whole or in parts, in any material form.
6. The Organiser reserves the right to refrain from awarding a prize if no review reaching the expectations can be found.
7. Main prize winners are obliged to pay a 10% personal income tax on winning a main prize, if the statutory pre-conditions are met. In that case, transferring the due tax to the account provided by the Organiser is a necessary condition to receive the main prize.
8. If the prize is not claimed or the Organiser cannot contact the winner during the 30 days after the prize is awarded, the prize will be distributed for a purpose chosen by the Organiser or awarded to a different Participant.
9. The Contest, whose rules are determined in this statue, is not a game of choice, raffle, pari-mutuel betting or a sweepstakes prize and its outcome is not accidental.
10. All complaints may be filed on the Organiser’s e-mail: [email protected]
11. The Contest Committee will consider the complaints in the period of 14 days from the delivery date. Decisions of the Contest Committee are final. The Participants who file a complaint will be informed about the results of the processing during the 3 days after it is processed.
Terms and conditions of sauna use at the Farmona Hotel Business & SPA
We want to make your SPA experience relaxing and extraordinary.
Therefore, there are some SPA rules that will help you to explore our
SPA world easily and comfortably. Observing these rules will help us to
provide you with the best quality service.
1. You can make a SPA booking every day at the SPA reception desk from 9:00 am to 9:00 pm, by phone: (+48) 12 252 70 20 or (+48) 696 419 008 and by e-mail: [email protected].
2. Please remember to make your booking a couple of days in advance. Otherwise, we cannot guarantee that the treatment will be available
at the desired time.
3. Please arrive 15 minutes prior to your appointment time to make sure that you have enough time to change, provide information about
your health and talk with your therapist. The necessary clothing (dressing gown, disposable underwear and slippers) will be provided in the
dressing room. Before all body treatments and massages, a quick shower is highly recommended.
4. To ensure a punctual start for the treatment of our next Guest, in case of your late arrival (over 15 minutes), the treatment time will
be reduced without any possibility of a discount.
5. For your own comfort, please mute your mobile phone and leave it in the dressing room. Also, please, lower your voice while speaking.
6. Before treatment it is not recommended to eat stodgy meals or to consume alcohol.
7. Asian massages and rituals, body treatments, the steam bath and Finnish sauna are not suitable for pregnant or menstruating women. In these cases, we reserve the right to refuse to perform a treatment. Also, we may offer an alternative treatment.
8. The steam bath and Finnish sauna are not recommended for people suffering from raised blood pressure and circulatory diseases.
9. After treatment, feel free to use the relaxation zone where you will be served with aromatic tea and mineral water.
10. The following are forbidden in the SPA area:
11. Children under the age of 16 can only use the sauna in the presence of their guardians.
12. Inappropriate behaviour (sexual propositions, aggression etc.) will result in the immediate termination of the treatment without any possibilty of a refund.
13. You can pay in cash or by card. A tip is not included in the price.
14. If you would like to use an invitation or a voucher, please inform the SPA reception in advance.
15. Booking cancellation:
General conditions:
1. Vouchers can be bought in SPA Reception, every day from 09:00 until 21:00, at ul. Jugowicka 10c in Krakow. Tel .: 12 252 70 20
Email: [email protected]
2. The voucher can be purchased:
3. Payments can be made by cash, payment card or bank transfer banking. The voucher is carried out according to the scope in the content
voucher. Services can not be exchanged for other services. The voucher is not refundable, exchange for cash equivalent or
cosmetics. It can not be spent the rest of it.
4. The value of the purchased voucher can not be lower than PLN 100.
5. In case of loss, theft or damage voucher will not be replaced for a new one.
6. The SPA accepts only undamaged vouchers validity date, seal and SPA signature.
Rules of implementation:
1. Service reservations are accepted by the SPA Reception, every day from 09:00 until 21:00, at ul. Jugowicka 10c in Krakow. Tel. 12 252 70 20. Email: [email protected]
2. Treatments should be booked at 14 days before expiration date of the voucher. When booking a treatment after this date:
3.The voucher can be used repeatedly until it is exhausted the funds accumulated on the voucher or the term of validity expired.
4. If the value of the service provided exceeds the value of the purchased voucher you must pay the difference in cash or payment card on the spot.
5. If the value of the service provided is lower than the value of the voucher the rest of the unused amount is not refunded, goes on next visit account.
6. In case of cancellation of reserved treatments for less than 24 hours before appointment, the voucher becomes invalid.
7. The SPA may refuse accept the voucher if:
8. The vouchers are issued according to prices of a regular spa offer. The exception is quota vouchers purchased on special offers.
9. Realization of the voucher is not connected with the realization of the SPA discount coupon.
The term of validity
1. The voucher is valid for 3 months from the date of purchase.
2. Term of validity is not extended. After its expiry unused services / amount are forfeited and can not be claimed.
Final Provisions:
1. The voucher can not be reselled in order to be valid.
2. The purchase and use of a voucher means that you agree with the spa terms and connditions.
3.The terms and connditions are available on the website and at the SPA Reception. At the time of purchase or implementation voucher there is a possibility to submit the regulations in writing, on demand.
4. SPA reserves the right to change the regulations at any time without giving reasons. The changed conditions of the regulations will be made available on the website and at the SPA Reception.
Safety instructions for the trampoline
No more than one person should jump on the trampoline! A larger number of jumpers increases the likelihood of injuries such as skull injuries, back injuries, and limb fractures.
A fall on the head or neck may result in paralysis or death. We advise you not to do somersault which will increase the risk of falling on your head or neck!
1. Do not use the trampoline under the influence of intoxicants (alcohol, drugs).
2. Before entering the trampoline, make sure that you do not wear any sharp objects.
3. The trampoline should be slowly and carefully entered. It is not allowed to jump or jump out on the springboard. You also should not jump on a trampoline from other objects.
4. Jumping should begin with the simplest reflections and then gradually learn the next ones. Difficult. Read the "basic jumps" section of this manual to quench and stop jumping. Bend your knees when the feet touch the reflective mat.
5. Always keep control while jumping. A controlled reflection of one in which the landing takes place exactly in the same place where the breakout occurred. If at any time you feel that you have lost control, stop playing and start from the beginning.
6. Do not jump on the trampoline for a long period of time, do not jump high in long series to maintain control, focus on the mat.
7. Never allow more than one person to jump on the trampoline.
8. Make sure there is always a supervisor ready to help you nearby.
1. The supervisor should thoroughly familiarize himself with the safety rules and basic techniques of jumping. In order to reduce the probability of an accident, the supervisor should enforce the safety rules and make sure that the jumpers learn the basic jumping techniques before they start the more advanced jumps.
2. All jumping people should be supervised regardless of their skill level and age.
3. Never use the trampoline when it is wet, damaged, dirty, or occupied. The trampoline should be thoroughly checked before each use.
4. All objects that may come in contact with the jumpers should be removed from the trampoline. Guardians should be aware of what is above, below and near the trampoline.
5. To prevent uncontrolled use, the trampoline should be secured during breaks.
Safety net safety instructions
No more than one person should jump on the trampoline! A larger number of jumpers increases the likelihood of injuries such as skull injuries, limb fracture injuries.
A fall on the head or neck may result in paralysis or death. We advise you not to do salt which will increase the risk of falling on the head or neck.
1. Do not use trampoline and within the safety net if you are under the influence of drugs or alcohol. It is forbidden to smoke on the trampoline.
2. Avoid jumping high. To avoid fatigue, do not jump too long. Always keep control over jumps. Do not try to jump over the security net.
3. Make sure there is someone who oversees your jumps. Never jump distracted. There should not be more than one person jumping on the trampoline.
4. While jumping, do not jump on the safty net. Do not try to bounce off, stand on its edge or climb onto the net.
5. Before entering near the net, remove any jewelry that could get tangled or damage the net.
6. Make sure taht your clothes are without hooks, loops and any other elements that may damage the net.
7. The protective closure is not designed to attach any additional accessories or equipment except those designed by the manufacturer of the closure.
8. Entering with a trampoline can take place in the entrance to the protective net. Always carefully close entrance once you are on the trampoline. Do not use the trampoline as a jump to jump on other objects.
1. The supervisor should strictly enforce the jumper of safety rules and before allowing anyone to use the trampoline to they should familiarize with the instructions for use attached to the trampoline.
2. Regardless of his ability and his jumping age, he can not use the trampoline without direct supervision. The trampoline must be protected against unauthorized use. Do not allow the trampoline to be used without supervision. Any potentially dangerous objects that may disturb jumps on the trampoline should be removed from its vicinity.
3. The protective net set is not intended for use by children under the age of 6, or weighing more than; 110kgs (8ft), 120kgs (I0ft) and 150kgs (12ft, 13ft)
4. Do not use the trampoline when the surface is wet or dirty. Check the technical condition of the trampoline before each day of use. If necessary, replace all damaged or missing parts, tighten any loose screws and make sure that the net is not damaged in any place.
WARNING! All of the rules listed above must be obeyed.
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